Martial arts and Brazilian dictatorship: are histories crossing itself? Incursions by the pages of The Judoka


  • Felipe Eduardo Ferreira Marta UESB



Artes marciais. Ditadura militar. EBAL. História. Quadrinhos.


The Judoka was a monthly comic book published since April 1969, by Brasil-America Ltda. (EBAL). In its seventh number The Judoka starts to be written and drawn in Brazil. At this point a change happens in the stories argument, the hero’s clothes starts to contain the colors and the form of the national flag and the hero stops being represented by a soldier to become a young student. But, what is the point of drawing a hero with the colors of the Brazilian flag and at the same time to glorify the practice of the martial arts in this period? A possible way to answer this question comes from the suspicion that the EBAL was very close to the military government. In that sense, it is questioned: would be the binomial the militarism/eastern martial arts a possible explanation for the development of the martial arts in Brazil?


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Author Biography

Felipe Eduardo Ferreira Marta, UESB

Mestre e doutorando em História pela Puc-SP, Professor Assistente junto ao Departamento de Saúde da UESB/Jequié (Curso de Educação Física) e bolsista Capes.



How to Cite

MARTA, Felipe Eduardo Ferreira. Martial arts and Brazilian dictatorship: are histories crossing itself? Incursions by the pages of The Judoka. Dialogia, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 53–62, 2009. DOI: 10.5585/dialogia.v7i1.951. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.


