In the name of “God”: (auto)biography about the mutilations of the social self in the context of a total institution and its implications in the formation of identity(ies) of an educator




(auto)biography, training, identity, total institution


The article discusses, through (auto)biography, the mutilations of the social self in a total conventual institution, analyzing its influence on the formation of my personal and professional identity as an educator. To this end, we have the following question as our guiding principle: how can we give new meaning to and enhance the reminiscences experienced in an incessant process of reflection/action in our personal and professional actions? The results lead us to understand the articulations between the present, past and future prospecting temporalities in the dynamic process of resignifying the subjects' becoming and incompleteness in the light of (auto)biography.



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Author Biographies

Rose Fernandes de Souza, Instituto Federal Catarinense – IFC

Mestra em Educação

Alexandre Vanzuita, Instituto Federal Catarinense – IFC

Pós-doutor em Educação 


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How to Cite

SOUZA, Rose Fernandes de; VANZUITA, Alexandre. In the name of “God”: (auto)biography about the mutilations of the social self in the context of a total institution and its implications in the formation of identity(ies) of an educator. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 49, p. e26794, 2024. DOI: 10.5585/49.2024.26794. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.



Dossiê n. 49 “Formas de dizer de si e do mundo: autobiografias e autoetnografias de educadores"