Do high school students know how to operate with the concept of number?
thought, empirical, theoretical, organization of mathematics teachingAbstract
The Davidovian maxim that empirical thought hinders the development of theoretical thought due to debate in the academic events in which we participate. Our thinking, based on the studies of Davidovian work, is that the origin of the fragilities expressed by the students of Medium Education in the discipline of Mathematics is related to conceptual learning that limits the development of conceptual thinking. We will seek to investigate the origin of the manifestations of fragilities through the organization of education, which will be the origin of the development of students in the last three years of Basic Education. During the process, we found that the origin of the fragilities is the lack of appropriation, by the students, of two basic concepts of Mathematics, or of number. The results indicate that those referred to do not appropriate the meaning of the concept of number both on an empirical and theoretical level.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Agatha de Souza Niero, Josélia Euzebio da Rosa

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