Discourse in the universe of Linguistics: contributions to the discussion of language and its domains





discursive studies, Charaudeau, semiolinguistics of discourse, discourse analysis


It has long been no longer possible to say that discursive studies are an unknown reality in Brazil. If in the advent of linguistics, conventionally said in Saussure, the articulation between language and society was a point that would not receive attention then, the present imposes a contrary conclusion - made easily verifiable, for example, through a search on “discursive studies” on Google Scholar or other research tool for scientific articles. At the same time, there is still a lack of studies that focus on presentations, systematizations and comments on certain texts / authors or concepts, in order to favor a possible reader in the vast field of discursive studies. Our text aims, then, to propose a reading of the contributions that studies on language - in a discursive perspective - can offer to Linguistics. Thus, starting from Charaudeau and Maingueneau, we will present some concepts in order to situate, in perspective, discursive studies as part of linguistic science.


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Author Biography

Jefferson Evaristo, Rio de Janeiro State University

Pós-doutor em Letras


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CHARAUDEAU, Patrick. Linguagem e discurso – modos de organização. São Paulo: Contexto, 2008

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MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Análise de textos da comunicação. São Paulo: Cortez, 2004.

MUSSALIM, Fernanda. Entrevista com D. Maingueneau. Revista Linguasagem, n. 10, 2009. Disponível em http://www.letras.ufscar.br/linguasagem/edicao10/entrevista_maingueneau.php - acesso em 01/01/2024 as 23:43h.



How to Cite

EVARISTO, Jefferson. Discourse in the universe of Linguistics: contributions to the discussion of language and its domains. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 49, 2024. DOI: 10.5585/49.2024.25807. Disponível em: https://uninove.emnuvens.com.br/dialogia/article/view/25807. Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.


