Immersive technology and artificial intelligence to improve attention to diversity, equity and inclusion of students:

Case study with augmented reality




Palavras chave: patrimônio; inclusão; inovação; realidade aumentada; inteligência artificial., Keywords: equity; inclusion; innovation; augmented reality; artificial intelligence., Palabras Clave: equidad; inclusión; innovación; realidad aumentada; inteligencia artificial.


The latest reports published in the field of education by international organizations suggest that inappropriate use of technological resources for educational purposes can create a digital divide between groups of students. This study, based on primary sources of information, provides empirical evidence through quantitative data analysis, which supports the hypothesis that the geographic location of educational centers has a significant impact on factors such as the degree of acceptance of technology and other possible factors. These results contribute to the understanding of how an adequate use of educational resources based on immersive technology of Augmented Reality and other technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, can favor the development of innovative teaching and learning processes that encourage the elimination of digital gaps, improving the processes of attention to diversity, equity and the inclusion of students.


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Author Biographies

Santiago Delgado-Rodríguez, Universidade Nebrija – NEBRIJA

Doutor em Ciências da Educação


Rebeca García-Fandiño, Universidade Santiago de Compostela – USC

Doutor em Química


Silvia Carrascal-Domínguez, Universidade San Jorge – USJ

Doutor em Belas Artes



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How to Cite

DELGADO-RODRÍGUEZ, Santiago; GARCÍA-FANDIÑO, Rebeca; CARRASCAL-DOMÍNGUEZ, Silvia. Immersive technology and artificial intelligence to improve attention to diversity, equity and inclusion of students:: Case study with augmented reality. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 47, p. e25204, 2023. DOI: 10.5585/47.2023.25204. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.



IE Conference 2023 - Ed. Esp. n. 47 “Inovação, Internacionalização e Inclusão”