Valentina, the black princess in children's literature: possibility of expanding contact with afro-brazilian culture to readers




literary reading, dialectical-historical materialism, black character, pedagogical practice


This study analyzes the work Valentina, by Márcio Vassalo (2007). The objective was to present the analysis of the multiple determinations of this work, as a cultural contribution to a pedagogical practice focused on racial diversity, aiming at the development of reading, human and social formation through mediation with literary reading. The choice of the work is justified by the richness of the poetic language, the meaning of the illustrations, the contemplation of the black character as the protagonist and the expansion of contact with the Afro-Brazilian theme. It is a critical-dialectical, qualitative approach, with approaches to Historical-Dialectical Materialism. Data were generated in bibliographic research and in reflections on teaching knowledge. As a result, it was possible to understand that when the pedagogical practice with literary reading is guided by the dialectical understanding of the multiple determinations contained in the work, reading is configured in an educational praxis that collaborates with the cultural, cognitive and social expansion of the reader subject inserted in the school context.



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Author Biographies

Suelen Cristina dos Santos Klem, Universidade Estadual de Londrina – UEL

Pós-Doc em Educação pela Unesp de Marília

Sandra Aparecida Pires Franco, Universidade Estadual de Londrina – UEL

Mestranda em Educação


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How to Cite

KLEM, Suelen Cristina dos Santos; FRANCO, Sandra Aparecida Pires. Valentina, the black princess in children’s literature: possibility of expanding contact with afro-brazilian culture to readers. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 38, p. e20446, 2021. DOI: 10.5585/38.2021.20446. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.



Dossiê n. 38 “Educação, Diversidade e Questões Étnico-Raciais”