Teacher training on the Portuguese islands Madeira and Açores: strategies for remote teaching in COVID-19 times





Teaching and learning, Online teaching, Teacher training, Teaching strategies, Remote teaching


In Covid-19 times we experienced, through teacher training course, elements that facilitate the understanding of what was the adaptation of educational practices in basic education. The way of teaching remotely was a process that produced in the teacher substantial modifications regarding the use of technologies and their application in teaching methodologies. Reflections and analyses were needed on the perceptions linked to the teaching process and remote learning, using technologies.  How were teaching strategies defined in the adaptation to remote teaching? What practices were developed? The research methodology used was qualitative, with substantiated constructions that proved the scientificity of the work. The results highlight characteristics and elements of the work panorama, with the emergency remote teaching facilitating reflections and scoring indicators for the improvement of what was done from the benchmarks in the area of distance education.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Araujo Coutinho Campos, Universidade Aberta (Uab).

Doutora e Mestre em Educação (UFMG), Especialista em Educação a Distância (SENAC Minas), Licenciada em História (PUC Minas). Atua como formadora, tutora, designer instrucional e consultora.  

Rute Pereira, Ministério de Educação, Portugal

Mestre em Pedagogia do eLearning, (Universidade Aberta), Especialista em Educação Especial (IP Santarém), Licenciada em Física Química (Universidade de Aveiro), Professora de Física Química. 


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How to Cite

CAMPOS, Fernanda Araujo Coutinho; PEREIRA, Rute. Teacher training on the Portuguese islands Madeira and Açores: strategies for remote teaching in COVID-19 times. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 36, p. 396–410, 2020. DOI: 10.5585/dialogia.n36.18823. Disponível em: https://uninove.emnuvens.com.br/dialogia/article/view/18823. Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.



Dossiê O (Re)inventar da Educação em Tempos de Pandemia