Gender empowerment and equity: the current challenges of mozambican women




Emancipation, Empowerment, Gender equity, Mozambican woman


This article aims to address “gender empowerment and equity: the current challenges for women in Mozambique”. Their political representation can be seen with a continuous process of disputes, controversies and, in recent decades, some progress in terms of formal equality. It means that women currently have the legal right to participate and represent political bodies. Contemporary women, from their achievements in various social, cultural, economic and political aspects, are faced with the need to reformulate their roles in the performance of tasks related to marriage, motherhood, family, sexuality and their career professional. The central objective is to analyze the contributions made by women to their empowerment and gender equity, looking at the main challenges they face today. The contribution of his ideas to Mozambican women is due, on the one hand, to institutional factors such as democratization, gender quotas and electoral systems; on the other, the new women's movements, regional and international, which resurfaced in the early 1990s, marked the debate of the Conference on Women in Beijing. The research is basically theoretical, starting from the bibliographic analysis of the works that deal with the subject, accompanied by the deconstruction that allowed the reading, interpretation and understanding of the texts. As a result, we hope that the text can contribute positively to rethink Mondlane, today, taking into account the idea of emancipation, economic empowerment and gender equity of Mozambican women who had this activist as their main promoter and the first steps in building education for all.



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Author Biography

Tiago Chingore, Universidade UniLicungo

Doutorado em Filosofia na Universidade Pedagógica de Moçambique. Fez o Estágio Científico Avançado (Sandwich) pela UFC-Brasil. Professor Auxiliar da UniLicungo, Extensão da Beira, afecto ao Departamento de Ciências Sociais e Filosóficas, onde lecciona as disciplinas de Lógica, Ética Política, Filosofia Africana, Filosofia de Direito, Filosofia Política, TCC e Ética e Deontologia Profissional. Linhas de Pesquisa: Filosofia Prática (Ética Política, Filosofia Política e Filosofia da Intercultura).


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How to Cite

CHINGORE, Tiago. Gender empowerment and equity: the current challenges of mozambican women. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 37, p. e17592, 2021. DOI: 10.5585/dialogia.n37.17592. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.


