Planning academic publications - the role of the researcher and the development of publishable proposals




Methodology, Scientific research, Research project, Theory building.


Objective: To analyze the development of academic research projects from the perspective of the researcher as a professional, research as a proposal and the fit of the researcher and research at the Academy.

Methodology / approach: The book Designing Research for Publication, by Anne Sigismund Huff (which, in turn, contains addenda by other authors) is used as a basis, plus relevant literature on research and research.

Originality / relevance: As much as the field of applied social sciences has a framework of handbooks at its disposal whose purpose is to develop research projects, works that intend to join at the macro level (the Academy and its fluidity in conducting research and generating theory) and the micro level (the research project, its proposal and its value), through the discussion of the bridge between them carried out by the researcher in a deliberate process, and also of the various interests that a research project serves are few and far between.

Results: The analysis of the book in tandem with current literature allows one to observe the challenges of research in applied social sciences in research objectives of personal balance, needs of the research area in which it is inserted and balance between the active aspects of planning contributions in theory and the passive side of theory explanation.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: Academic research in applied social sciences is seldom discussed in terms of divergent institutional pressures to the research development process itself, and even less as to the effects between different levels. The analyzed book has no prescriptive academic purpose, yet it allows one to infer that quite often the suboptimality in the result of the research proposals is due to the divergences between the institutions, actors involved and their different degrees of involvement and expectations, as well as in the misinterpretation of microfoundations of the academic research. A combination of institutional conflicts with adverse effects at different levels (in addition to the inadequate technical aspects commonly encountered), can be central reasons for the failure of research projects.


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How to Cite

Martins, F. S., Felisoni, P. R., & Gaspar, M. A. (2020). Planning academic publications - the role of the researcher and the development of publishable proposals. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 19(3), 164–181.



Book Review