Strategy concepts in the view of management students


  • Leonardo Fagundes Bragança Fucape Business School
  • Emerson Wagner Mainardes Fucape Business School
  • Rozélia Laurett Fucape Business School



Estratégia. Conceito de estratégia. Percepção de conceitos de estratégia. Relação entre conceitos de estratégia. Compreensão sobre estratégia.


Strategy concept has several framings, which can cause asymmetry between how strategy is defined and how it has been practiced. Thus, this study aimed to identify, from the twelve concepts proposed by Mainardes et al. (2014) to present, which concept of strategy is the most perceived by undergraduate management students as being the one that best defines strategy. In order to achieve this objective, a quantitative, descriptive and crosssectional research was performed with a sample of 134 respondents (students) in three units of a school system located in the large region of Vitória - Espírito Santo. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire based on studies by Mainarde et al. (2014). We learnt that among the addressed concepts of strategy a consensus among students was not identified. That can lead each one of the students to use the concept of strategy according to their own interpretation and perception. The results indicate that out of the twelve concepts proposed by Mainardes et al. (2014), the concepts “strategy involves the entire company” and “strategy is the development of plans, policies and practices to achieve the objectives of the company” were the mostly frequently lines identified by students as being the meaning to the term strategy. Possibly the students will take these concepts to their professional practice.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Fagundes Bragança, Fucape Business School

Possui graduação em administração pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (1998). Atualmente é docente da Rede Doctum de Ensino. Tem experiência na área de administração de Empresas, especialização em Gestão e Tecnologia de Serviços e Negócios do Petróleo Gás Natural e Mestrado em Administração na área de Gestão Estratégica.

Emerson Wagner Mainardes, Fucape Business School

Professor Associado e Pesquisador da FUCAPE Business School, é doutor em Administração para Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI - Covilhã/Portugal - 2010), possui graduação em Engenharia Industrial Elétrica pelo CEFET/PR (1993), especialização em Administração pela Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE (2000) e mestrado em Administração pela Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB (2007). Atua nos seguintes temas: Marketing de Serviços, Inovação e Estratégia. É coordenador do Centro de Estudos em Marketing e Estratégia da FUCAPE Business School. Pertence ao Comitê Científico da Rome Business School. É pesquisador convidado do NECE - Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais, centro de pesquisa da UBI. É pesquisador associado e presidente no Brasil da International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM). É editor chefe da Brazilian Business Review (BBR).

Rozélia Laurett, Fucape Business School

Mestranda em Administração de Empresas pela FUCAPE Business School.



How to Cite

Bragança, L. F., Mainardes, E. W., & Laurett, R. (2015). Strategy concepts in the view of management students. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 14(3), 75–92.