Gender Effects on Decision Hiring and Promotion Leaders


  • Amanda Marques Ramos Fucape Business School
  • Bruno Félix Fucape Business School



Gender, Selection, Bias, Prejudice, Stereotype


Purpose: To analyze the effects of gender differences in employment decisions.

Methods: We developed with an experiment design, which included the participation of 202 professionals who interpreted the role of selectors

Originality/Relevance: there is a scarcity of studies that analyze gender bias in employee’s selections with a quantitative approach.

Results: Compared to women candidate for a job vacancy for the leadership level, the male candidate was better evaluated in terms of suitability for the position, likely to hiring and promotion. Furthermore, she was considered more competent and less friendly.

Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: The study provides evidence that allows us to challenge the theoretical argument that women would be depecrated in terms os employment choices necessarily because of rational factors, such as motherhood.

Social / Practical Contributions: We suggested that organizations devote greater attention to processes involving women career organizations, since such decisions, when biased, can lead organizations to non-rational choices.



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Author Biographies

Amanda Marques Ramos, Fucape Business School

Mestre em Administração pela Instituição de Ensino Superior Fucape Business School, Espírito Santo, (Brasil).

Bruno Félix, Fucape Business School

Doutor em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - M, São Paulo, (Brasil). Professor pela Instituição de Ensino Superior Fucape Business School



How to Cite

Ramos, A. M., & Félix, B. (2019). Gender Effects on Decision Hiring and Promotion Leaders. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 18(1), 71–89.