Store Image Attributes and Customer Satisfaction in Supermarkets in Campo Grande-MS


  • Eluiza Alberto de Morais Watanabe Universidade de Brasília
  • Dario de Oliveira Lima-Filho UFMS
  • Cláudio Vaz Torres Universidade de Brasília



Food Retail, Consumer Behavior and Structural Equation Modeling


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between image attributes and consumer satisfaction in supermarkets. Specifically, we sought to: a) identify the variables which make up the image attributes of supermarkets and group them into factors, and b) assess the impact of image attributes on consumer satisfaction. We conducted a quantitative study, which met quotas by region and city income class, among 400 individuals from Campo Grande, MS, southwest Brazil, who were responsible for purchasing supermarket products for their families. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Structural Equation Modeling were used for the data analysis. The results revealed that the attributes are grouped into five factors. The constructs “environment” and “promotions” were not considered significant in determining satisfaction, while the attributes “employees”, “product” and “price” had a positive effect on satisfaction, with the latter having the greatest impact.


DOI: 10.5585/remark.v12i4.2561


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Como Citar

Watanabe, E. A. de M., Lima-Filho, D. de O., & Torres, C. V. (2013). Store Image Attributes and Customer Satisfaction in Supermarkets in Campo Grande-MS. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 12(4), 85–107.