What is digital transformation in Marketing? A bibliometric and scientometric analysis of an evolving topic




Palabras clave:

Digital transformation, Marketing, Bibliometric, Scientometric, State of art


Purpose:  To highlight the major emerging trends and the author’s intellectual and social structure, amongst other indicators about digital transformation in marketing.

 Method: This is a bibliometric and scientometric work.

Originality/Relevance: This work compiles previous research about digital transformation and how it has been used in marketing, accessing emerging topics and gaps not being addressed in previous studies, being a valuable reference for researchers who intend to contribute with this research area.

Results: This work shows emerging trends in marketing practices considering digital transformation, the most productive/influential documents, authors, journals, and organizations, most frequently used keywords, authorship patterns and potential areas of research related with Digital Transformation practices in marketing.

Theoretical/methodological contributions:  This study contributes to overall understanding of the knowledge structure of D.T. in marketing based on quantitative and graphical knowledge mapping analyses, implying the growing engagement of D.T. in marketing and suggestions for future research.


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Biografía del autor/a

Aleixo Fernandes, Universidade nove de Julho – UNINOVE



Marcelo L. D. S. Gabriel, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing -ESPM



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Cómo citar

Fernandes, A., & Gabriel, M. L. D. S. (2023). What is digital transformation in Marketing? A bibliometric and scientometric analysis of an evolving topic. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 22(4), 1336–1420. https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v22i4.23979



Special Issue: Applications of neurosciences to the marketing field