Contribution of value co-creation support elements to repurchase intention: A theoretical approach



Palabras clave:

Service dominant logic, Value co-creation, Repurchase intention


Objective: this work aims to stablish connections between value co-creation support elements and repurchase intention, by means of some antecedents as trust, commitment and satisfaction.

Methodology/approach: by means of a theoretical reflection, the value co-creation management model proposed by Payne, Storbacka & Frow (2008) and the DART model by Prahalad & Ramaswamy (2004) are revisited, emphasizing the interaction points between suppliers and customers and value co-creation support elements.

Relevance/originality: as no previous studies that have conceptually united these two subjects were identified, commonly treated separately, the present work clarifies how the typical interaction mechanisms of value co-creation processes could help explain repurchase intention by means of some of its antecedents.

Main results: the connection between value co-creation support elements and repurchase intention antecedents is explicit in a conceptual framework, evidencing the relations among the subjects, effected by constructs like trust, commitment and strong relationships.

Theoretical contributions: the positive participation of value co-creation support elements for the repurchase intention antecedents is evidenced by means of the DART model contribution to conjoint learning and personalized interactions.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ricardo Antonio Reche, Faculdade de Integração do Ensino Superior do Cone Sul - FISUL

Doutorando em Administração pela Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil). Coordenador do curso de Bacharelado em Administração e do Curso de Tecnologia em Gestão Comercial na Faculdade de Integração do Ensino Superior do Cone Sul - FISUL, Rio Grande do Sul.

Adriana Locatelli Bertolini, Faculdade de Integração do Ensino Superior do Cone Sul - FISUL

Doutoranda em Administração pela Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil). Professora na graduação da Faculdade de Integração do Ensino Superior do Cone Sul - FISUL, Rio Grande do Sul.

Gabriel Sperandio Milan, Faculdade de Integração do Ensino Superior do Cone Sul - FISUL

Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção Sistemas de Qualidade pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil). Professor e Pesquisador no Centro de Ensino Superior Cenecista de Farroupilha - CESF,  Rio Grande do Sul.


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Cómo citar

Reche, R. A., Bertolini, A. L., & Milan, G. S. (2019). Contribution of value co-creation support elements to repurchase intention: A theoretical approach. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 18(1), 58–72.


