Country of Origin Image and Foreign Markets Strategy: Analysis of the Brazilian Cosmetics Company Natura


  • Mariana Bassi Sutter FEA USP
  • Maria Laura Ferranty MacLennan FEA USP
  • Carolina Cristina Fernandes FEA USP
  • Moacir Miranda de Oliveira Jr. FEA USP


Palabras clave:

COI, Brazilianness, Emerging Market Multinational, Cosmetics, International marketing.


This study investigates the use of country of origin image (COI) by an emerging market multinational (EMMN) on their internationalization process. To this end, we integrate COI literature with the attributes that make up Brazil’s image abroad. This study conducts a qualitative and descriptive approach using the single case study on the case of the Brazilian company Natura Cosméticos S.A. Case analysis, relying on discourse analysis, allowed us to find out that the company uses COI as part of its international strategy; COI attributes can be used positively by an EMMN and might contribute to their image abroad. About the first finding, the study also points out ways Natura integrates Brazilianness attributes into its international marketing strategy, since Natura’s competitive differential is sustained on product development based on the biodiversity of Brazilian fauna and flora. Our study shows ways how an EMMN might use COI concept into their international marketing strategy in order to build their image abroad and differentiate itself positively.


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Biografía del autor/a

Mariana Bassi Sutter, FEA USP

Doutoranda pela Universidade de São Paulo - FEA/USP; professora do Centro Universitário Senac.

Maria Laura Ferranty MacLennan, FEA USP

Doutoranda pela Universidade de São Paulo - FEA/USP; professora da Escola Superior de Administração e Gestão Strong Esags.

Carolina Cristina Fernandes, FEA USP

Mestranda pela Universidade de São Paulo - FEA/USP.

Moacir Miranda de Oliveira Jr., FEA USP

Professor da Universidade de São Paulo no Departamento de Administração - FEA/USP



Cómo citar

Sutter, M. B., MacLennan, M. L. F., Fernandes, C. C., & Oliveira Jr., M. M. de. (2015). Country of Origin Image and Foreign Markets Strategy: Analysis of the Brazilian Cosmetics Company Natura. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 14(3), 393–406.