Vol. 14 No. 3 (2015): <strong>July - September</strong>

					View Vol. 14 No. 3 (2015): <strong>July - September</strong>
Published: 2015-09-28


  • The Influence of the Stakeholder`s Profile Variables on the Perceived Image of the West University of Timisoara

    Remus Ionut Naghi, Lavinia Diana Tiplea
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i3.2615
  • Relationship between Marketing Strategies and Governance Mechanisms: A Study in Exploration Chain Beef Cattle

    Filipe Quevedo-Silva, Caroline Acosta Lezcano Foscaches
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i3.2978
  • Intertividade when in Moderate Effort Cognitive Increases Memory

    George Bedinelli Rossi, Renan Presti
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i3.2916
  • Proselytism and Word-of-Mouth in Constemporary Sport Consumption

    George dos Reis Alba, Rafael Laitano Lionello
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i3.2713
  • Determining the Budget of Marketing Communication in Big Advertisers

    Fabiano Palhares Galão, Edson Crescitelli
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i3.2828
  • Marketing! Where is Paradigm?

    Deosir Flávio Lobo de Castro Júnior, Márcio Nakayama Miura, Maurício Fernandes Pereira, Marcelo Augusto Menezes Deluca
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i3.2939
  • Organ Donation in Brazil: Analysis of Governmental Campaigns Under the Perspective of Social Marketing

    Leonardo Benedito Oliveira Rezende, Caissa Veloso e Sousa, Jefferson Rodrigues Pereira, Liliane de Oliveira Rezende
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i3.2902
  • Academic Community Consumer Assessment an Institution of Public Higher Education in Relation to Green it Practices in Organizations

    Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet, Mariana Kisters Ventura da Silva, Patricia Miyumi Matsuda
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i3.2991
  • Country of Origin Image and Foreign Markets Strategy: Analysis of the Brazilian Cosmetics Company Natura

    Mariana Bassi Sutter, Maria Laura Ferranty MacLennan, Carolina Cristina Fernandes, Moacir Miranda de Oliveira Jr.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i3.2834
  • The Influence of the Country of Origin Image on Brand Equity: A Study of Spanish Banks

    Michel Alves Prado, Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i3.2890