Online clothing consumption practices during the pandemic: a perspective based on the theory of practice
Online fashion, Online clothing shopping, Perceived value, Consumption practices, COVID-19 pandemicAbstract
Objective of the study: To understand the practice of online clothing shopping, which has been restructured and resignified in the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resistance that this practice suffers to establish itself in everyday life in the face of an already traditional practice - going shopping for clothes in person.
Methodology/approach: In-depth interviews were conducted with 21 online clothing consumers, and the transcribed data were analyzed using thematic data analysis.
Relevance/originality: The article analyzes a practice that undergoes restructuring in the face of the stimulus of social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, pointing out the strength of new (and old) consumption practices and their likelihood of persisting in a post-pandemic scenario.
Main results: For those who value the hedonic value of the in-person experience, online shopping can return to the meaning of something sporadic and influenced by promotions and coupons. In-person shopping in the post-pandemic resumes its social character, representing leisure for respondents. At the same time, for those who value the functional and experiential character, returning to the in-person store will depend on the practice's success when inserting it into their itinerary.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The article seeks to fill theoretical gaps about the consolidation or not of new post-pandemic habits, pointing out essential influencing elements and articles that suggest that a qualitative bias should analyze online clothing purchases. In addition, it adds the theory of practice, analyzing the reconfiguration of the shopping practice that occurs at an unnatural moment in the face of an unplanned stimulus.
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