Investigating global brand preference bias among low-status consumers

a study on the mechanisms of its accentuation and mitigation




Global and local brands; Consumer global dispositions; System justification theory; Intersectionality awareness; Dual attitudes; Consumer disidentification


Objective - This study reconciles system justification theory (SJT), intersectionality awareness (IA), and dual attitudes (DA) to determine the conscious-unconscious relationship between consumer identity and global brand preference bias in low-status consumers.

Method - We performed three experimental studies: First, we observed the discrepancy between explicit/conscious and implicit/unconscious (DA) global brand attitudes according to established social order (SJT), even if a status quo bias exerts influence. Second, we propose the moderation of the disidentification, which emphasizes the rejection of local elements in this process. Lastly, we propose the mitigation of the disidentification effects through status quo awareness, or Intersectionality Awareness (IA).

Relevance/originality – The literature of low-status consumers’ identity relation to brand preference is still developing when tapping multiple layers of perspectives, such as disidentification and identity awareness, and conscious and unconscious processes. The comprehension of this interaction allows a better understanding of the global brand preference bias.

Main results – We identified conflicting conscious and unconscious global brand attitudes, potentialized through disidentification with domestic values, those that represent the home country consumer, although their effect can be mitigated by intersectionality awareness.

Theoretical/methodological contributions – Theoretically, this study advances the knowledge about global brand preference, including the status quo/awareness theory to better understand the customer-brand relationship. Methodologically, we advanced by employing an unconscious-based technique to address the phenomenon.

Social/management contributions – The study explains brand preference bias through the mechanism of disidentification, and their control through social awareness, expanding practitioners’ horizons beyond brand strategies, to consider deep human identity mechanisms. For the individuals and the society, the study proposes understanding on the potential side effects of consumer-brand relationships, presenting coping strategies to deal with this phenomenon, promoting more equality and inclusion.


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Author Biographies

Flavio Santino Bizarrias, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - ESPM

Pós-doutor em Marketing Internacional

Vivian Iara Strehlau, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - ESPM

Doutorado em Administração

Jussara da Silva Teixeira Cucato, Universidade Nove de Julho (Uninove)

Doutorado em Administração

Sergio Garrido Moraes, Link School of Business

Doutorado em Administração

Suzane Strehlau, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - ESPM

Doutorado em Administração


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How to Cite

Bizarrias, F. S., Strehlau, V. I., Cucato, J. da S. T., Moraes, S. G., & Strehlau, S. (2024). Investigating global brand preference bias among low-status consumers: a study on the mechanisms of its accentuation and mitigation. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 23(1), 41–71.



Special Issue: Applications of neurosciences to the marketing field