Shopping habit formation by consumers on black friday




Black Friday Shopping; Habit Formation; Customer behavior; Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)


Purpose: Black Friday (BF) is one of the most important holiday shopping days in retail and has impacted consumer habits. After many years, have been formed shopping habits by consumers on BF? To address this question, we conducted an investigation into the correlation between consumer habits and sales promotion studies, both of which share various commonalities. Our aim was to explore their interrelation within the context of Black Friday, utilizing a customized model specifically designed for this purpose.

Design/methodology/approach: This paper is based on quantitative research involving 633 respondents. It uses structural equation models (SEM) to test relevant research hypotheses.

Findings: The results show that there is habit formation on BF and that consumers are influenced by several factors, being guided not only by cognitive and rational issues regarding the strong appeal of low prices, but also by affective aspects and self-control difficulties, in addition to their previous buying experiences in the same period.  

Practical implications: As a significant portion of holiday shopping sales has shifted to November and consumers have developed a habit of shopping during BF, retailers can proactively enhance their strategies to meet consumer demands, avoiding unnecessary resource wastage. By adapting and capitalizing on this trend, retailers can maximize sales, attract new customers, and ultimately optimize their outcomes.

Originality/value: The study contributes to the development of the research field on BF through a new model that investigates intention and future behavior, including the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). In addition, it adds to the existing discussions in the literature regarding the criticisms of the TPB model by pointing to evidence that mitigate these criticisms.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Alexandre Carreras Guerra, Pró Reitor Acadêmico Centro Universitário Unimetrocamp

Prof. Dr.

Anna Célia Affonso dos Santos, Universidade de Sao Paulo- USP

Mestre em Administração 

Nelsio Rodrigues de Abreu, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

Prof. Dr.

Nuno M.M.D. Fouto, Universidade de Sao Paulo-USP

Prof. Dr.



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How to Cite

Guerra, A. A. C., Santos, A. C. A. dos, Abreu, N. R. de, & Fouto, N. M. (2023). Shopping habit formation by consumers on black friday. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 22(5), 1955–2015.