Can i follow you? proposal of a measurement model to assess the relationship between social media brands and their user




Relationship marketing, Customer-brand relationship, CRM, Social media, Scale development


Objective: The main objective of this paper is to develop and validate a measurement model to assess the relationship between social media brands and users.

Method: We started with a qualitative stage with interviews, judges' analysis, semantic analysis, and a survey with 602 respondents. We used content analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, through structural equation modeling.

Main results: With evidence of reliability and internal, construct, and content validity, we found three factors - Trust, Content, and Interaction – that influence the relationship and users’ satisfaction.

Theoretical/Methodological contributions: This study proposes a comprehensive mensuration model of the relationship between social media and their users, by identifying the main factors involved in the building and maintenance of these relationships. Each factor has an independent scale, due to its convergent validity, allowing diagnostics and individual relations in future studies.

Relevance/originality: Social media brings many opportunities for marketing research, but little is known about them as brands. By exploring this gap, we deepened the view of social media as brands and their relations with users.

Managerial implications: The scale can assist decisions regarding relationship marketing strategies and brand positioning, contributing to the improvement of users' experiences with social media.


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Author Biographies

Yuri de Souza Odaguiri Enes, University of Brasilia - UnB

Master in Business

Gisela Demo, University of Brasilia - UnB

PhD in Psychology

Fernanda Scussel, PhD in Psychology

Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC

Talita Silva, University of Brasilia - UnB

Master in Business


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How to Cite

Enes, Y. de S. O., Demo, G., Scussel, F., & Silva, T. (2023). Can i follow you? proposal of a measurement model to assess the relationship between social media brands and their user. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 22(1), 60–120.