Place branding Brazil: research agenda and advisory panel for the 21st century




Place Branding, Research Agenda, Advisory Panel, Brazil


Objective: The paper aims to present a research agenda and advisory panel for scholars, branding practitioners and marketers over a place branding perspective in the Brazilian context.

Approach: Bibliographic analysis based on the place image construct built from competitive identity and the achievement of place reputation under a nation branding overview with its economic, political and cultural-critical orientations.

Findings: Guidelines and implications on place brand management and place branding meta trends. The management blueprint consists of a place branding organization to coordinate actions and stakeholders in decision-making stages; an umbrella branding program that benefit different sectors of the economy; place brand measurement to monitor results. The meta trends roadmap is related to a green place brand orientation and positioning as a competitive asset; branding places in a digital transformation context; challenges and opportunities for place branding post Covid-19.

Contribution: This work outlines that strong leadership and efficient planning for place management should prevail over mistaken political measures that weaken place brand equity, otherwise, the country’s socioeconomic development, place image and reputation are at risk of being continuously compromised.

Relevance: This research draws attention, stimulates the debate and suggests pathways where place branding principles may provide the lever in need to encourage Brazilian leaderships to cooperate and collaborate more consistently and effectively to properly tackle forward challenges in the 21st century.


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Author Biographies

Marco Antonio de Moraes Ocke, Adjunct Professor – Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC

PhD in Business Administration – FEA/USP

Allan Augusto Platt, Associate Professor– Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC

PhD in Production Engineering – UFSC


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How to Cite

Ocke, M. A. de M., & Platt, A. A. (2022). Place branding Brazil: research agenda and advisory panel for the 21st century. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 21(1), 29–63.