Have emotions unleashed by the pandemic influenced our perception of value?





Emotions, Crisis perception, Perceived Value, Brand loyalty, COVID-19, coronavirus


Objective: The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between emotions, risk perception, perceived value, and brand loyalty during a global crisis to understand how incidental emotions, in other words, non-decision emotions, can influence consumer perceptions of value of goods, and brand loyalty.

Methodology/approach: Using data collected from 290 Brazilians during the Covid-19 pandemic, a structural model based on risk perception, positive and negative emotions, perceived value, and brand loyalty, was proposed, and empirically tested.

Originality/Value: This research validates incidental emotions can impact perceived value. Thus, the research increases the understanding of the role of emotions in the consumer-product-brand relationship. Second, the study makes a methodological contribution by analyzing the relationships between crisis perception, positive and negative emotions, perceived value, and brand loyalty in a real situation. It is noteworthy that studies about incidental emotions in consumer behavior are usually induced by experiments.

Results: Results show that respondents felt alert and attentive, and these emotions played a significant role in the relationship between emotions and perceived value during the pandemic. It was observed that risk perception influences negative and positive emotions but does not directly influence brand loyalty.

Theoretical and practical contribution: The results provide support for the model, where incidental emotions influence perceived value. Therefore, the study contributed to the literature by examining and confirming the relationship between incidental emotions and perceived value. However, risk perception and emotions do not directly influence brand loyalty. Developing products and services that solve the problems arising from the emotions experienced during a crisis can increase consumer interest. As a social contribution, the research shows that goods and services can help in emotional regulation.


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Author Biographies

Greicy Tambosi, University of Blumenau - FURB

Masters in Administration

Gerson Tontini, University of Blumenau - FURB

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Giancarlo Gomes, University of Blumenau - FURB

PhD in Accounting and Management


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How to Cite

Tambosi, G., Tontini, G., & Gomes, G. (2023). Have emotions unleashed by the pandemic influenced our perception of value?. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 22(1), 01–59. https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v22i1.20158