Consumer behavioural variables in relation to green products: a systematic literature review




Consumer Behaviour, Green products, Sustainable consumption, Systematic Review


Purpose: This study identified the most discussed variables related consumers’ behaviour about sustainable products. Furthermore, it analyses how those variables have been described and can be used for future studies and market practices.

Method: A systematic literature review was conducted through three scientific research databases — Scopus, Web of Science, and SciElo — resulting in the in-depth analysis of 55 articles, and the mapping of how consumer behaviour is understood and categorised.

Results: Variables such as norms, values, and beliefs, and the perception of product-related aspects are most likely to drive the purchasing behaviour of environmentally friendly products. Furthermore, price, difficulties in finding products, and lack of information are also viewed as significant barriers that discourage consumers from buying sustainable products.

Theoretical contributions: This study intends to foster the academic discussion about how consumers perceive making purchasing decisions regarding products identified as more sustainable than the average on the market. It is believed that the comparison and categorization of distinct behavioural variables toward those green products can support further development of research on this topic.

Originality/Relevance: This work was developed to contribute to the theoretical basis for understanding consumer behaviour and sustainability. It offers a concise view of the most discussed behavioural variables, creating support for new discussions.


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Author Biographies

Rafaela Ângela Mateus Souto Maior, Federal University of Rural Pernambuco - UFRPE


Edson Ramos de Oliveira Júnior, Federal University of Rural Pernambuco - UFRPE


Ana Regina Bezerra Ribeiro, Federal University of Rural Pernambuco - UFRPE


Laura Maria Abdon Fernandes, Federal University of Rural Pernambuco - UFRPE



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How to Cite

Souto Maior, R. Ângela M., Oliveira Júnior, E. R. de, Ribeiro, A. R. B., & Fernandes, L. M. A. (2022). Consumer behavioural variables in relation to green products: a systematic literature review. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 21(4), 1307–1359.