Co-creation value in beauty services: the role of perceived similarity




Perceived similarity, Value co-creation, Social interaction


Objective: To analyze the role of perceived similarity in social interaction and co-creation of value and its relationship with the experience of consumption in service environments for specific audiences.

Method: The research was a survey type, contemplated a final sample of 270 individuals, whose data were analyzed through the Structural Equation Modeling from the analysis of invariance.

Originality / Relevance: The research presents a crucial contribution to the field of studies that involve the retail environment by examining the social aspect associated with individual consumption experiences concerning the relationships that occur between customers during the provision of the service in specific audiences’ environments.

Results: It was shown a direct and positive relationship between perceived similarity and social interaction. The findings also suggest that social interaction, introducing direct influence on the value co-creation assumes the role of a mediator variable in the relationship between similarity and co-creation of value. Besides, it was observed that the co-creation of valuation has a direct influence on the consumption experience.

Theoretical-methodological contributions: This paper contributes to the Marketing literature by highlighting the impact of segmented service environments on the perception of similarity among consumers, which can generate social interaction and co-creation of value, resulting in a satisfactory consumption experience.


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Author Biographies

Nicole Stefanie Gomes dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG

Graduate student in Management


Edvan Cruz Aguiar, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG

PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE

Adjunct Professor

Diliane Salustiano de Farias, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG

Graduate student of Administration


Manoela Costa Policarpo, Universidad del País Vasco – UPV/EHU

PhD candidate in Administration



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How to Cite

Gomes dos Santos, N. S., Aguiar, E. C., de Farias, D. S., & Policarpo, M. C. (2022). Co-creation value in beauty services: the role of perceived similarity. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 21(4), 1075–1128.