Is Takeaway food sustainable? environmental and sociocultural implications of takeaway food consumption in Brazil and Germany




Takeaway Food Consumption, Sustainable Consumption, Eating Out. Comparative study, Sustainable Food Consumption


Objective: to compare the main environmental and socio-cultural implications of the consumption of takeaway food in Brazil and Germany.

Method: The data were collected through 19 narrative interviews with employees and owners of establishments that sell takeaway food, 41 in-depth interviews with consumers and 7 months of observations in places of purchase and eating of meals in both countries. Data were analyzed according to the data analysis spiral. 

Originality/Relevance: The categories related to the environmental and socio-cultural implications of the consumption of takeaway food identified are unprecedented and can be used in future studies on this topic.

Results: There are positive and negative implications of the consumption of takeaway food in both environmental and socio-cultural aspects. The negative implications are consequence of the consumption of unhealthy and commoditized menus that are improperly discarded. It is possible to mitigate these implications through the consumption of healthy menus, prepared in establishments that value local cuisine and that adopt environmentally responsible practices.

Theoretical contributions: Unlike previous studies that defined the sustainability of domestic food consumption or eating out as a unit of analysis, this study broadened the debate on environmental and sociocultural impacts that result from the consumption of meals prepared in cafeterias and restaurants, but that are consumed in other spaces. This contribution is particularly relevant to the area studies of Sustainable Consumption and Food Studies.

Social/managerial contributions: The results provide subsidies to business and public managers, indicating that the waste of packaging, disposable objects and other additional items can be reduced by identifying the place where meals are consumed. It is recommended to develop campaigns with restaurant and snack bar managers to reduce sugar, salt and fat in the establishments' recipes.



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Author Biographies

Pedro Felipe da Costa Coelho, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Doutor em Administração e Controladoria


Áurio Lúcio Leocádio, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Doutor em Administração



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How to Cite

Coelho, P. F. da C., & Leocádio, Áurio L. (2022). Is Takeaway food sustainable? environmental and sociocultural implications of takeaway food consumption in Brazil and Germany. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 21(4), 1185–1243.