Effect of organic food-related lifestyle towards attitude and purchase intention of organic food: evidence from Brazil





Consumer Behavior, Attitude, Theory of Planned Behavior, Food-Related Lifestyle, Structural Equation Modeling


Objective: Analyze the effect of organic food-related lifestyle towards the attitude and purchase intention on organic food in the Brazilian context.

Method: A conceptual framework was developed with a second-order construct, the organic food-related lifestyle (OFRL), to assess its impact on attitude and purchase intention. An online survey was carried out with 651 Brazilian consumers (non-probabilistic sample). The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling, by partial least squares and path models (PLS-PM), using the SmartPLS 2.0 software.

Originality / Relevance: This study extends the literature and provides further insights when analyzing the consequences of the OFRL on the attitude and purchase intention of organic food.

Results: The OFRL is a good predictor for purchase intention of organic food and presents a strong relationship with attitude. The last one plays a mediating role in the relationship OFRL-purchase intention, improving the predict role of the organic food-related lifestyle toward purchase intention. The model explained 19% of the attitude variance and 51% of the purchase intention variance.

Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: From a theoretical perspective, this work innovates by proposing a unique second-order construct, composed of latent variables linked to the organic lifestyle, to measure its impact on the formation of attitude and purchase intention toward organic food.


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Author Biographies

Bruna Ferreira Jungles, Ânima Group Researcher (CNPq) e Operations Management Trainee – Renner Stores

Master in Business Administration – FCAV/UNESP

Sheila Farias Alves Garcia, FCAV-UNESP & Coordinator of Ânima Group (CNPq)

Doctor Degree in Business Administration – University of São Paulo, School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting – USP/FEA

Professor of Postgraduate Program in Administration at Paulista State University 

Dirceu Tornavoi de Carvalho, Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto - FEA/RP-USP

Associate Professor University of São Paulo, School of Economics, Business 

Sérgio Silva Braga Júnior, UNESP/FCE e UNESP/FCAV

Doctor Degree in Business Administration - UNINOVE

Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Agribusiness and Development and the Postgraduate Program in Administration at Paulista State University 

Dirceu da Silva, Professor at the University of Campinas - UNICAMP

Doctor Degree in Education - University of São Paulo - USP


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How to Cite

Jungles, B. F., Garcia, S. F. A., Carvalho, D. T. de, Braga Júnior, S. S., & da Silva, D. (2021). Effect of organic food-related lifestyle towards attitude and purchase intention of organic food: evidence from Brazil. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 20(4), 267–299. https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v20i4.19192


