Electoral marketing from the perspective of behavioral psychology: effect on voters and voting in executive and legislative positions
Vote, Marketing, Election, Behavior, PsychologyAbstract
Objective: Investigate the influence of electoral marketing on votes received by candidates for executive and legislative positions, with voters' behavioral reactions to politicians as mediators.
Method: We performed confirmatory factor analyses and partial least squares path modeling with composite constructs in a cross-sectional design and use of primary and secondary data.
Relevance: The research identifies the order of the main variables influencing the vote in a parsimonious electoral model with a mediating relationship.
Results: Electoral marketing influences voters’ behavioral reactions, which influence the number of votes for all political positions. The spent on the campaign, dissemination of negative fake news, and political spectrum of the candidate are, respectively, the main predictors of voters’ behavioral reactions. The number of social network followers, voting intentions, being perceived as captivating, famous, and talented for politics, and motivations to vote due to proposals and renewal are, respectively, the main predictors of the number of votes received. But the prediction depends on the position pleaded. For example, for the republic's presidency, being perceived as famous and captivating by voters becomes essential.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: Using the theoretical framework of behavioral psychology we explained the influence of electoral marketing with partial least squares path analysis.
Social contributions: Fragmented aspects of previous research are joined in a theoretical-empirical structure that explains the success in elections.
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