Consumer behavior in relation to the disposal of emotional and hedonic value goods




Consumer disposal behavior, Emotional value, Hedonic value, Post-disposal dissonance


Objective: To analyze the factors that influence the behavior of disposing of emotional and hedonic value goods and their consequences for the consumer.

Method: this research has a qualitative nature. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and were subjected to content analysis.

Originality / Relevance: there are few researches on disposal behavior and, among them, most are focused on utilities, such as electronics. On the other hand, this study focuses on the disposal of emotional and hedonic value goods, which is a more complex process, given the consumer's involvement with the object. There was an implication of the disposal decision in future purchasing decision-making processes.

Results: the results are defined based on the categories: disposal alternatives, meanings and feelings associated with goods of emotional and hedonic value, motivations and influencing factors for the disposal of goods of this nature and post-disposal feelings. The disposal alternatives identified were to donate, exchange, sell, store, dispose of in the trash or reuse. The disposal option is based on intrinsic factors, tangible and intangible attributes of the product and situational factors. Meanings and feelings associated with these goods were identified, such as nostalgia, attachment, fantasy and love. Depending on the chosen disposal alternative, the consumer will experience positive feelings or post-disposal dissonance, manifested as regret, lament, insecurity and anxiety.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: Identification of new categories in the analysis of disposal behavior of consumers in relation to goods of emotional and hedonic value. Identification of disposal in other stages of consumer decision-making process (search for internal pre-purchase and purchase information per se). Definition of post-disposal dissonance feeling.


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Author Biographies

Diego Mota Vieira, University of Brasilia– UnB

PhD. In Business Administration

Laianne Gonçalves Fonseca, University of Brasilia – UnB

B.Sc. in Business Administration


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How to Cite

Vieira, D. M., & Fonseca, L. G. (2021). Consumer behavior in relation to the disposal of emotional and hedonic value goods. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 20(3), 548–574.