The relationship between indulgence and vanity in the consumption intention




Mercado da estética masculina, Indulgência, Vaidade, Intenção de consumo


Purpose - Analyze the emergence of this market based on behavioral variables, with the objective of describing the relationship between indulgence, vanity, susceptibility to interpersonal influence and the need for social belongingness with the intent of consuming male aesthetic products.

Design/methodology/approach - A quantitative study was conducted, of the survey type, with male individuals. For the analysis of the data, the regression was used, based on moderation tests.

Findings - The results pointing to variables indulgence and vanity as important for the formation of the studied market. Furthermore, the susceptibility to interpersonal influence and the need to belong, tested as moderating variables between indulgence and consumption intention and between vanity and consumption intention, were significant, since both weaken the relationship between the main relationships, since they are variables that refer to the collective sense, and indulgence and vanity, to the more intrinsic, subjective sense of the individual.

Originality/value - This study debates the formation of intention consumption based on the Brazilian context, using a model that takes into consideration the integration between different variables established in the literature, showing how individual, cultural and symbolic factors interact in the formation of consumption intention. The data analysis reveals that the need to belong and interpersonal influence are moderating variables between indulgence and consumption intention and between vanity and consumption intention.

Theoretical / methodological contributions - Validation of a theoretical model, which has occurred, with statistical and theoretical support.


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Author Biographies

Juliane Ruffatto, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS


Jandir Pauli, Faculdade Meridional – IMED

Post doctor

Kenny Basso, Cooperando inteligência + interação



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How to Cite

Ruffatto, J., Pauli, J., & Basso, K. (2021). The relationship between indulgence and vanity in the consumption intention. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 20(3), 415–436.