Influence of failure recovery on the perception of quality, satisfaction and loyalty of banking customers




Failures, Disaster recovery, Quality of services, Satisfaction, Loyalty


Objective: The objective is to assess the influence of failure recovery in the perception of quality, satisfaction and loyalty of banking customers.

Methodology: Descriptive, quantitative, survey, with a SERVPERF scale for measuring quality, considering the severity of the failure and the recovery from failure (distributive, procedural and interactional justice), as well as consumer satisfaction and loyalty (attitudinal and behavioral). Reliability tests and statistical techniques based on Structural Equation Modeling, using the Smart PLS software, were adopted to verify the relationship between the model's constructs and the testing of the hypotheses.

Results: The results show significant relationships between the model's constructs, except for the direct relationships between Failure Severity and Quality, demonstrating that the effect of the failures can be mitigated by recovery actions. Interactional justice is confirmed in the customer's contact with the organization, at the time of failure recovery.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: The findings increase the understanding of the adequacy of the model with an integrated view regarding the failure severity and its influence on the requirements for recovery, quality, satisfaction and loyalty. The research contributes to the management of banking services in Brazil.

Originality / Relevance: This article presents an integrated view, which is reflected in a theoretical model of how the failure severity and the actions of its recovery influence the assessment of quality, and show themselves as a form of justice, bringing satisfaction and loyalty to banking customers in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Gérson Tontini, Regional University of Blumenau - FURB


Amélia Silveira, Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC


Diovani Luzia Pozza, Regional University of Blumenau - UFSC



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How to Cite

Tontini, G., Silveira, A., & Pozza, D. L. (2021). Influence of failure recovery on the perception of quality, satisfaction and loyalty of banking customers. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 20(4), 216–240.


