Is there no integrity or competence? Effects of co-production of service recovery according to type of failure


  • Danubia Reck Faculdade Meridional - IMED
  • Ivair Franceschetto Faculdade Meridional - IMED
  • Lais Rech Faculdade Meridional - IMED
  • Natalia Araujo Pacheco Faculdade Meridional - IMED
  • Rafael Luis Wagner Faculdade Meridional - IMED



Co-production, Service Failure, Recovery of services, Competence, Integrity.


Objective: Service failures are common and, therefore, several studies investigate service recovery tactics. A recently investigated tactic which requires further studies is the co-production of recovery (i.e., consumer participation). This study investigates the effects of co-production of service recovery after situations involving integrity and competence failures.
Method: Experimental study with 131 participants, with factorial design 2 (co-production: with; without) x 2 (type of failure: integrity, competence).Originality: Recent studies adopt co-production as a service recovery strategy after a failure. However, it is not known whether the type of failure (integrity or competence) influences the co-production effects of service recovery.
Results: Consumers who co-produce service recovery after an integrity failure experience more anger than consumers who do not co-produce. In addition, consumers who co-produce recovery after an integrity failure have less intention to return and are less likely to have a positive word-of-mouth than those who do not co-produce after a competence failure.
Theoretical contributions: This study expands knowledge regarding co-production in service recovery by addressing its effects on consumer behavior according to the type of failure, which is something that has not been studied before.
Managerial contributions: This study shows that co-production in service recovery works best to recover competence rather than integrity failures. That is, companies should only invite the consumer to co-produce if failure is caused by lack of competence, not integrity. 


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How to Cite

Reck, D., Franceschetto, I., Rech, L., Pacheco, N. A., & Wagner, R. L. (2019). Is there no integrity or competence? Effects of co-production of service recovery according to type of failure. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 18(2), 224–242.