Knowledge in Management, Competitive Advantage and Business Performance: Proposition and Test of a Resource Advantage Theory Based Model in MSEs


  • Rafael Tunes Sebrae Minas
  • Plínio Rafael Reis Monteiro



Competitive Advantage, Comparative Advantage, Performance, R-A theory.


Micro and small enterprises (SMEs) represent almost 30% of the Brazilian GDP, in addition to formally employing 44% of the national workforce. Therefore, the concern with the performance of micro and small enterprises (SMEs) gains outstanding social relevance. In this scenario, it is fundamental to understand how to create sustainable competitive advantages (VCS) that are Valuable, Rare, difficult to Imitate and dominate the Organization (VRIO). In this perspective the work started from a review on the concepts of sustainable competitive advantage, the Resource Based View (VBR) and its VRIO concept and the Resource Advantage Theory (RA theory) of Shelby Hunt (1996), a theory that integrates strategy of Business and marketing. The work sought to operationalize a model composed initially by eighteen hypotheses, about how the management knowledge impacts on the performance of MPEs. After quantitative research, based on the perception of entrepreneurs, it was concluded that management knowledge, as a resource of the company, leads to the superior performance of MSEs, but not necessarily through sustainable competitive advantages. The high degree of Imitability among MSEs appears as a factor that impacts performance. The study contributes by proposing a way to operationalize the R-A theory and VRIO approach in order to analyze the impact of the resources on the company's performance. The study presented evidence favorable to the general propositions of the model, reinforcing the importance of management knowledge as one of the essential resources for the construction of competitive advantages.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Tunes, Sebrae Minas

Rafael Tunes é analista de marketing no Sebrae Minas e professor universitário. É graduado em Publicidade e Propaganda pela UFMG, pós graduado em Gestão Estratégica de Marketing, Docência do Ensino Superior, Mestre em Administração e filiado à American Marketing Association. Atua como consultor e palestrante nas áreas de Empreendedorismo, Inovação, Marketing Digital e Contemporâneo, Infografia e Storytelling. Possui experiência nacional e internacional* nos mercados de franquia, indústria, serviços, educação e atacado distribuidor. Como especialista em marketing já atuou em empresas referência de seus segmentos: Colleguium, Bernoulli, Escola do Sebrae (EFG), , Newton Paiva, Rede Super, TVC, *Showcolate, Cacau Show e Megafort. Atualmente coordena o Marketing Educacional da Escola do Sebrae, é professor no MBA em Marketing Estratégico e Branding da UNA, professor na Pós Graduação Marketing Digital e Mídias Sociais da UNI e professor orientador no Curso de Especialização em Gestão Estratégica (CEGE) UFMG.

Plínio Rafael Reis Monteiro

Doutor em Administração (Ênfase em Marketing & Estratégia) pela UFMG e professor do CEPEAD/CAD/UFMG atuando em disciplinas de Estratégia, Análise e Pesquisa de Mercado, Estatística, Empreendedorismo e Marketing de Serviços, dentre outras. Tem experiência em consultoria, gestão empresarial e coordenação acadêmica em pós graduação Atualmente é coordenador do Curso de Graduação em Administração da UFMG, Coordenador do Curso de Especialização em Gestão Estratégica (CEPEAD/UFMG) e coordenador do Núcleo de Tecnologias Inovadoras em Marketing e Empreendedorismo (TIME).



How to Cite

Tunes, R., & Monteiro, P. R. R. (2017). Knowledge in Management, Competitive Advantage and Business Performance: Proposition and Test of a Resource Advantage Theory Based Model in MSEs. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 16(3), 298–316.