Brand Value - Proposed Model Danrise


  • Daniel Nascimento Pereira da Silva Instituto Politécnico do Cávado
  • Pedro Nunes Instituto Politécnico do Cávado
  • Mário Basto Instituto Politécnico do Cávado



Brand, value, emotions, consumer.


Brands have taken dominance in the strategies of enterprises once they are able to generate feelings, sensations and emotions in their clients. These values, value for the enterprises and for the brands themselves, are not measurable. A strong brand configures itself as the highest representative of an enterprise and the brand is regarded as an asset of the enterprise. The evolution of a brand, as an intangible and strategic asset, becomes more vitally important for the enterprises, as a way of maximizing the results. This need, whether of the market or the enterprises, justifies the direction of the research for this vector – the value of the brand. A main objective of the research is to present a new model of brand evaluation. This model is supported by a tangible and intangible aspects and the intangible aspect, evaluates the knowledge and capacity of their managers and workers to build a brand with value through the correct ordering of the priorities of the dimensions of the proposed model. The model was tested on the brand ‗Blue Rise.‘ 


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How to Cite

Pereira da Silva, D. N., Nunes, P., & Basto, M. (2011). Brand Value - Proposed Model Danrise. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 10(2), 106–125.