Measuring the Perceived Value in Food Services: A Research with Fast Food Customers


  • Andre Felipe Queiroz UFMS
  • Caroline Spanhol Finocchio UFMS



SERV-PERVAL. Perceived Value. Fast Food. Food Service.


Purpose: This study aimed to mesure perceived value in fast food-type services.

Method: The research was developed with 400 fast food consumers. To measure the perceived value we used the SERV-PERVAL and the hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling.

Results: The results demonstrate that the theoretical constructs of the SERV-PERVAL model can predict the perceived value by Brazilian consumers. Quality is the biggest impact factor in the perception of value, followed by the reputation and emotion dimensions. On the other hand, the behavioral and monetary dimensions contributed in a smaller proportion to the perceived value.

Theoretical contributions: This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of the relationships between the dimensions of the SERV-PERVAL model and perceived value by Brazilian fast food consumers. In addition, this model can be used in other economic sectors related to services, because it presents as a consistent theoretical model.

Originality/relevance: The most of perceived value surveys conducted in Brazil do not contemplate dimensions related to emotional responses. In this sense, motivated by Petrick's (2002), this dimension was included in this research. The results showed that the emotional responses, together with the quality and reputation dimensions, are the most contribute to the perceived value in fast food.


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How to Cite

Queiroz, A. F., & Finocchio, C. S. (2018). Measuring the Perceived Value in Food Services: A Research with Fast Food Customers. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 17(4), 532–544.