Sports Event or Consumer Experience? A Study on Consumer Motivation to Attend Street Racing Events


  • Pedro Lucas Leite Parolini Universidade de São Paulo
  • Ary José Rocco Júnior Universidade de São Paulo
  • Eduardo De Oliveira Cruz Carlassara Universidade de São Paulo



Sports Marketing. Consumer Behavior. Sporting Events. Street Racing.


Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the motivational factors that lead runners to choose to participate in street racing events.

Methods: In order to respond to the objective, a descriptive quantitative research was developed. A questionnaire was elaborated to answer the objective of this work. The questionnaire contained statements corresponding to nine domains, where the individual indicated the degree of agreement with each statement. The sample consisted of 243 runners.

Originality / Relevance: This study may contribute to the producers of street racing at the time of the events, because, understanding the motivations of their consumers, they can offer a service that meets the expectations of the public of this sport and, consequently, adds value to the proof.

Results: The dimension that most motivates the participants is the physical conditioning (4.71), followed by the excitement (4.44) and the skill domain (4.40). The competition dimension appears in the eighth position (3.63). Business (3.01) was rated as the dimension that least motivates participants to choose the street racing event.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: the motivation of these consumers and, yes, several other aspects that contemplate the factors that interfere in the participation in the street racing market.

Social / management contributions: This study may help in understanding a specific component of consumer behavior: motivation. In addition, the study reinforces the idea of ​​consumer search for entertainment combined with the practice of physical activity


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How to Cite

Parolini, P. L. L., Rocco Júnior, A. J., & Carlassara, E. D. O. C. (2018). Sports Event or Consumer Experience? A Study on Consumer Motivation to Attend Street Racing Events. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 17(3), 356–369.