I Capture Pokémon, "Therefore I am" - Augmented Reality and Consumption based on Brazilian Pokémon user Experience


  • Breno de Paula Andrade Cruz Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)
  • Gabriel Velloso Pinto UFRRJ
  • Verônica Alves de Oliveira UFRRJ




Pokémon Go, Augmented Reality, Experiential Marketing.


This exploratory study claims to analyze Pokémon’s Brazilian behavior users on Twitter when they make public their Pokémon user experience and experiences related to capture Pokémons and consumption. Our data collect has divided in two steps. The first step was based on Netlytic (social media online tool) for monitoring #PokemonGo on Twitter. We found more than 262 thousand posts and we decide to analyze just Brazilian context (532 posts) based on hashtags such as #PokemonGoBR. The second step we used Netnography at Brazilian  Pokémon Community Fans (Pokémon Go RJ). Our findings show that: (i) seven categories what describes Pokémon user experience were identified from Brazilian tweets; (ii) Pokémon’s fans capturing the applicative’s characters most of times consume foods and drinks - what show us that experience is more broader than just play this game; (iii) players make groups to capture characters and they consume together; (iv) Pokémon’s fans believe that companies (specially foods and drinks) use Poke Shop such as an strategy to attract clients; and (v) fans think that Pokémons in specifically areas can become the local commerce  (formal and informal) more dynamical. The exploratory research perspective, ou findings and the presentation of Netlytic tool here in a Brazilian Marketing studies become this study relevant.


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Author Biographies

Breno de Paula Andrade Cruz, Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)

Prof. Breno de Paula Andrade Cruz is associate profesor at Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). He has bachelor degree in Management from the Federal University of Lavras, Master degree in Public Policies from Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE/FGV) and PhD degree in Business from São Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP/ FGV). He is general coordinator of Rondon Project at UFRRJ - a volunteer program whom works in poor areas in Brazil. 

Gabriel Velloso Pinto, UFRRJ

Mestrando em Administração (UFRRJ). Pós-graduado em Administração de Marketing e Comunicação Empresarial (UVA). Graduado em Desenho Industrial - Programação Visual (Unesa).

Verônica Alves de Oliveira, UFRRJ

Mestranda em Administração (UFRRJ) e Administradora pela UFRRJ.



How to Cite

Cruz, B. de P. A., Pinto, G. V., & Oliveira, V. A. de. (2017). I Capture Pokémon, "Therefore I am" - Augmented Reality and Consumption based on Brazilian Pokémon user Experience. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 16(4), 487–501. https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v16i4.3480