Affctionate Relationships With Brands: Study of the Consequences of Brand Love with Summer Festivals


  • Vasco Eiriz Universidade do Minho
  • Filipa Guimarães



Brand Love, Costumer Services, Relationship with Brands, Consumer Behavior, Active Participation, Loyalty, Word-of-Mouth.


This article focus on the concept o brand love, a kind of affectionable, deep and lasting relationship established between consumers and brands, which results in beneficial consequences for firms. Having in mind the growing importance of services and the lack of studies on brand love in the service context, this research defined as object of study the summer festivals in Portugal, major music and entertaining events based on strong brands. More specifically, this article diagnosis the concept of brand love and it identifies the consequences of that consumers' love with summer festivals. It was carried out a questionnaire to the consumers of the main summer festivals in Portugal, which obtained 349 responses. The results show that the word-of-mouth and the active participation of consumers are the main consequences of this kind of relationship based on brand love, while loyalty and willingness to pay a premium-price are less evident consequences. The results of this study suggest that it is essential that brands create emotional bonds with consumers aiming at the developing of brand love. This kind of relationship that causes consumers' active participation and word-of-mouth imply that consumers behave as brand ambassadors, allowing brands to strength its competitive position.


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Author Biographies

Vasco Eiriz, Universidade do Minho

Professor da Universidade do Minho (Braga, Portugal). É PhD in Management da University of Manchester (Reino Unido) com uma tese intitulada "A Network and Relationship Approach to Strategic Marketing in Competitively Volatile Sectors"; Mestre em Gestão de Empresas na Área de Especialização em Marketing (Universidade do Minho, Portugal) e Licenciado em Gestão, com opção de Gestão Económico-Financeira (Instituto Superior de Gestão, Portugal). Possui artigos publicados em revistas como Industrial and Corporate Change; European Journal of Marketing; International Business Review; Transformations in Business & Economics; Journal of Transnational Management; Strategic Direction; Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice; Growth and Change; Service Industries Journal; ; International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal; e International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business.

Filipa Guimarães

Mestre em Marketing e Estratégia (Universidade do Minho, Portugal) e Licenciada em Ciências da Comunicação, com especialização no ramo de Assessoria (Universidade do Porto, Portugal). Possui Formação Pedagógica Inicial de Formadores pela Escola de Negócios e Administração de Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. Com experiência profissional em Assessoria de Imprensa e Consultoria de Comunicação, trabalhou em diferentes Agências de Comunicação e Publicidade.



How to Cite

Eiriz, V., & Guimarães, F. (2016). Affctionate Relationships With Brands: Study of the Consequences of Brand Love with Summer Festivals. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 15(3), 432–444.