Digital Analytics Tools and Their Predictive Power On Performance: An Analysis of the Brazilian Auto Market


  • Roger Kenji Kimura Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp
  • Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp
  • Marcia Carvalho de Azevedo Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp



Automotive Market, Positioning Strategy, Digital Analytics


The objective of this paper is to understand how these companies are being mapped and analyzed in relation to sales, with the support of Digital Analytics tools. It was selected the top 10 automotive companies present in Brazil with the highest sales and data were collected on their pages through Digital Analytics tools during two months. It was chosen the multivariate technique of multiple linear regressions by analyzing the relation between the independent variables (collected attributes) with the dependent variable (sales). As a result, it was found that some tools have a better set of parameters that explains the sales of automakers. From the seven Digital Analytics software’s observed, six-showed significance in explanatory power. This research was purely quantitative, in which the independent variables that were significant for this study could be grouped into: “Social Media” and “Not Social Media”, overcoming a greater concentration of variables “Not Social Media”.


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Author Biographies

Roger Kenji Kimura, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Graduando em Administração da Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

 Doutor em Administração pela Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP/FGV. Professor do Departamento de Administração da Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Marcia Carvalho de Azevedo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

 Doutora em Administração pela Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP/FGV. Professora do Departamento de Administração da Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp



How to Cite

Kimura, R. K., Pinochet, L. H. C., & Azevedo, M. C. de. (2016). Digital Analytics Tools and Their Predictive Power On Performance: An Analysis of the Brazilian Auto Market. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 15(2), 220–236.