I Need to use my Mobile: The Influence of Self-Control and Ego Depletion on Smartphones Use


  • Juan José Camou Viacava UFPR e PUCPR
  • Jessica Quinelli Francisquetti PUC-PR
  • Letícia Ribeiro de Souza Lima PUC-PR
  • Eurico de Oliveira Junior PUC-PR




Ego Depletion, Self-Control, Temptation, Smartphones


The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of different levels of self-control and ego depletion, on the temptation to use smartphones. The research consisted of two phases, the first a qualitative exploratory research study and the second conclusive quantitative research. On the exploratory phase seven interviews were conducted, demonstrating not only that individuals viewed the use of cell phones / smartphones as part of their lives, but also as a temptation. In the second phase was collected a sample of 134 undergraduate students by a survey using structured observation to check the influence of self-control and ego depletion in the use of smartphones (temptation), during an exam simulation (main goal). As results, it was found that as lower the students’ self-control was, more they used their cellphones during the simulated exam. The more worn-out (ego depletion), their grades were worse in this simulation. Yet, it was found that the greater it was the self-control, it was be able to minimize the effects of ego depletion over the number of times students used their phones and, their grades were better on the simulated exam.


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Author Biography

Juan José Camou Viacava, UFPR e PUCPR

Doutorando UFPRProfessor Auxiliar PUCPR



How to Cite

Viacava, J. J. C., Francisquetti, J. Q., Lima, L. R. de S., & de Oliveira Junior, E. (2016). I Need to use my Mobile: The Influence of Self-Control and Ego Depletion on Smartphones Use. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 15(1), 113–132. https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v15i1.2881