Values and Generational Features: A Study in an Institution of Higher Education


  • Newton Yasuo Furucho UNIMEP
  • Yeda Cirera Oswaldo UNIMEP
  • Graziela Oste Graziano UNIMEP
  • Valéria Rueda Elias Spers UNIMEP



Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, Organizations.


This study aimed to diagnose the main features and values ​​of Generation Y. In the course of this article, will be presented the theoretical framework on the theme addressed, the methodology and the results of research conducted with the Generation Y students who attend an educational institution Private higher in the state of São Paulo. The research is characterized as a research-and diagnosis for data collection was used a structured questionnaire with closed questions multiple choice. After applying the questionnaire to 130 students who attend the institution, it can be seen that the values ​​and characteristics stated in theoretical occur in the context of organizations such as the ease of dealing with new technologies; changing jobs, seeking higher pay, instant gratification and pleasure for having more time for yourself; job satisfaction; innovation; Impatience / intolerance; quality of life; determination; disengagement in excess; promotion and career advancement; facility to perform multiple tasks simultaneously; need for constant improvement and continuous development; realization of projects with meaning; gain experience; speed and difficulty of dealing with adversity.


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How to Cite

Furucho, N. Y., Oswaldo, Y. C., Graziano, G. O., & Elias Spers, V. R. (2015). Values and Generational Features: A Study in an Institution of Higher Education. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 14(4), 492–501.