Cosmopolitanism Influence on Destination Image: An Analysis of São Paulo City


  • Felipe Nasrallah Bedran ESPM
  • Vivian Iara Strehlau ESPM
  • Sergio Garrido Moraes ESPM
  • Tatiana Terabayashi Melhado ESPM



Destination image, Cosmopolitanism, Tourism, Destination.


This study aimed to find out how cosmopolitanism influences the destination image building. To accomplish this objective we interviewed foreign people, who know São Paulo, a city with national and international importance, due to its structure, economy, size, population and by its intense cultural and business life. This work reviewed cosmopolitanism that is the desire to know other cultures, besides his native one. This leads to an intention to travel through different regions, countries, to deepen in other societies and try to blend into it. Thus, one has particular characteristics, which influence the way one lives and consume products. The destination image can be defined as the sum of beliefs, ideas and impressions that a person has about a destination. To understand how cosmopolitanism influences the destination image, two approaches were used. A qualitative approach used interviews with professionals from SPTuris, as well as personal interviews with foreign tourists at the airport., This data was analyzed using content analysis. The quantitative approach included a survey with 205 foreigners. Data was analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistics, ANOVA and structural equation modeling. The result showed that cosmopolitanism and income influences the affective aspect in the destination image formation. It also showed that the stay purpose influenced the cognitive aspect, and that the length of stay influenced both aspects of the destination image. The research result showed that the cosmopolitanism influences mainly the affective aspect of São Paulo destination image. 


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How to Cite

Bedran, F. N., Strehlau, V. I., Moraes, S. G., & Melhado, T. T. (2014). Cosmopolitanism Influence on Destination Image: An Analysis of São Paulo City. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 13(6), 94–106.