Sustainability Ethics Emergency and Media Responsibility in the Consumption Society


  • Rogério Bianchi de Araujo UNINOVE, São Paulo



Comunicação. Conscientização. Desenvolvimento. Meio ambiente. Sustentabilidade.


In this article, it is discussed the sustainable development and the importance of the environmental cause, in order to create models of development that consider the sustainability and environmental preservation for the future generations. The participation of all society is essential in this debate. The establishment of new habits that do not compromise the subsistence and the conscience of the real self-destruction possibility must be studied and analysed; they consist in challenging intentions, which detach the relevance and the moral duty of the media to restore a new ethics and a new way to understand the reality, as well as to divulge the impact of this different perception in the human life. Therefore occurs the requirement of a responsible compromise relating to the development, by way of understanding the biosphere as the social life basis, considering that, in these ecosystems, the human being is only one of the many species that live in an interdependence relationship.


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Author Biography

Rogério Bianchi de Araujo, UNINOVE, São Paulo

Mestre em Filosofia Social – PUC-Camp; Professor de filosofia e sociologia – Unip; Imes.



How to Cite

Araujo, R. B. de. (2008). Sustainability Ethics Emergency and Media Responsibility in the Consumption Society. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 6(2), 117–124.


