The medıatıng effect of posıtıve psychologıcal capıtal ın determınıng the types of leısure actıvıtıes of ethıcal clımate: an applıcatıon at Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Unıversıty




Psychological capital, Ethical climate, Leisure activity, Sport


Objective: In this study, it was aimed to determine the relationship of ethical climate with the mediating effect of positive psychological capital in determining the types of leisure activities.
Methodology: In the research study, the survey technique method was applied to obtain the data. The study group selected with voluntary participation within the scope of the accessibility principle in the survey study consists of a total of 505 students, 286 of whom are male(56.6%) and 219 of whom are female (43.4%), studying at the University of Karaman.
Originality: Although there are studies in the literature showing the relationship between ethical climate and positive psychology capital, there has not been a study aimed at determining the types of recreation along with these concepts.
Results: results show that ethical climate had a negative and insignificant effect on the types of leisure activities and a positive and significant effect on positive psychological capitalinterms of students studying at the university. Positive psychological capital has been found to have a positive and significant effect on leisure time activity types. It was determined that the mediating effect between positive psychological capital, ethical climate and leisure time activity types was positive and significant.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: When people are encouraged to engage in leisure activities, both their quality of life will increase and their psychological capital will strengthen. The ethical climate is an ecosystem for experiencing this organizational change. The aim of this study is to show the mediating effect of psychological capital to increase participation in leisure activities.



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Como Citar

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