Social media and sport consumption: the effect of team identification on attitude and behavioral intention




Social Media‎, Sport Consumption, Attitude, Behavioral Intention, Team Identification.


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of team identification on attitude towards social media and behavioral intention based on social media.

Methodology / Approach: This is survey research.  The target population consisted of physical education and sport science students of the University of Tehran, IRAN. In the end, 185 surveys are returned and analyzed. Team identification was measured‎ by Heere et al questionnaire (2011), attitude towards social media ‎ was measured‎ by Cretti‎’s‎ questionnaire (2015) and Lin et al questionnaire (2009), and, consequently, behavioral intention was measured by Phonthanukitithaworn and Sellitto questionnaire (2017). furthermore, the questionnaire’s face validity was investigated according to some field-specialist sport management scholars. Structural Equation Modeling and SmartPLS software were used to analyze the ‎data.

Originality / Relevance: The study was necessary due to the lack of similar studies to investigate the use of social media in the sport context by students in IRAN. Also, the relationship between the same variables has not previously been studied.

Main results: The results showed‎ that team identification ‎ has a positive and ‎ significant ‎effect on attitude towards social media and behavioral intention based on social media. Also, the attitude towards social media has a positive and ‎ significant ‎effect on ‎ behavioral intention based on social media.

Theoretical / methodological contributions:  To increase behavioral intention based on social media in the sport domain it is essential to ‎consider the team identification ‎ and attitude towards social media. ‎



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Biografias Autor

Mohammad Salari, Jiroft University

Lecturer, Faculty of Human Science

Mohammad Mazyari

PhD in Sport Management from University of Tehran


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Como Citar

Salari, M., & Mazyari, M. (2020). Social media and sport consumption: the effect of team identification on attitude and behavioral intention. PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 9(2), 199–213.


