The sport management model of the province of Barcelona from the perspective of municipal sports managers
Barcelona, Sport, Management, Qualitative researchAbstract
Relevance: Sports management (SM) is essential for the provision of sports and leisure activities. The province of Barcelona is a world reference in SM but little is known about its municipal management service.
Objectives of the study: In the present study, we characterize the sports service of municipalities in the province of Barcelona based on the perspective of sports managers.
Methodology: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 sports managers from different municipalities in the province of Barcelona and their content was analyzed based on Bardin (2009).
Main results: The sports managers explained that the sports service takes place through interactions between the Provincial Council of Barcelona, sports entities and the Generalitat de Catalunya (General Secretariat of sport). There is no standard in the configuration of the organizational structures adopted by the municipalities for the provision of sports services and the most common management models are direct, mixed and indirect, respectively. The selection of people to work in the sports service usually occurs through public tenders and there are education and training actions. There are programs and projects with the objective of increasing participation in physical activities with women being the target audience.
Theoretical contributions: We identified possible paths for advances.
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