Human capital and its influence on the e-readiness of the company: an empirical case




E-readiness of MSMEs, E-readiness of human capital, Empowerment.


Objective of the study: This article has two objectives, first to analyze how is the degree of e-Readiness on micro, small and medium enterprises (eRLMSMEs) of the state of Guanajuato, in Mexico, influenced by the technological preparation of human capital, ICT accessibility, the empowerment granted to human capital, the size and sector. The second objective is to analyze, by size and sector, which are the most relevant variables considered by the owners or managers in their e-Readiness (ER).

Methodology/approach: With a sample of 182 MSMEs, a quantitative, descriptive, correlational, discriminant and linear regression analysis was performed, using the Ordinary Least Squares Method (OLS).

Originality/Relevance: The study is relevant because it addresses the influence of human capital empowerment, e-Readiness and access to ICTs by companies in the ER of MSMEs, deepening the analysis by sector, industry, trade and services, and by size of micro, small and medium enterprises.

Main results: It was determined that all the independent variables are relevant to explain eRLMSMEs. By size, the Human Capital e-Readiness, ICT Accessibility, and Human Capital Empowerment variables are significant only for small enterprises, whereas ER of human capital substantially influences industries, commercial and service companies.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: This research goes deeper into the variables that influence the degree of e-Readiness on MSMEs in Mexico, considering the influence of the size and sector in their technological preparation.

Social/management contributions: The ICT are considered a necessary technological innovation for the development of MSMEs, as well as the other variables dealt with in this research, which promote changes in the context of the adoption of technological innovation.


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Author Biography

Martha Ríos-Manríquez, University of Guanajuato

Department of Finance and Administration. Celaya-Salvatierra Campus


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How to Cite

Ríos-Manríquez, M. (2021). Human capital and its influence on the e-readiness of the company: an empirical case. International Journal of Innovation, 9(1), 79–107.


