Gaps and Trends in the Literature of Sustainability in Project Management: A Systematic Review Merging Bibliometrics and Analysis of Content
Sustentabilidade, Gestão de Projetos, Desenvolvimento Sustentável.Abstract
This study aims to explore how sustainability issue develops in the field project of management. As research methodology systematic literature review techniques, analysis of content and multivariate analisys, were used to identify and comment the main publications on the subject in the scientific literature of the last twenty years. The sample obtained from the ISI Web of Knowledge database, summed only 23 articles from different sectors, countries and areas of knowledge, with a predominance of publications related to the construction industry, with major advance in certified "green buildings" projects. As a result, it was observed that sustainability as a concept still predominantly relies to economic and environmental perspectives, as the term is applied in view of Triple Bottom Line (TBL) in less than half of the sample. Moreover, the analysis of sustainability content showed that the social dimension is still much less considered in relation to the other dimensions. Another contribution of this study was the experimental application of the generalist model of 3 axes of sustainability in project management through qualitative content analysis: this model was potentially able to assess or guide projects of any sector with two complementary dimensions (system and technology associated with management processes and project´s product, and people/governance). Such concept constitutes a promising approach to be further studied in future research on this important issue of seeking sustainable project management.
Keywords: Sustainable development; Project management; Sustainability.
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