Agile Management in Development of Innovative Products: A Systematic Literature Review
Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos, gestão ágil de projetos, Produtos iIovadores, Métodos Ágeis.Abstract
It appears that in recent years the market share in goods production is increasingly eager for more and more innovative products, with the time-to-market increasingly smaller, lower cost, greater flexibility and adaptability, among others. Therefore this study aims to analyze where agile methods already established, are being applied in the Product Development Process (PDP), as well as whether there are possible loopholes in this application, with the PDP. To this end it has developed a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive literature, from which it could find the use of Agile Project Management (APM-Agile Project Management) in specific innovative products, as well as new management models proposed for the PDP, however, as found also some gaps that could approach for future work on the topic.
Keywords: Process of Product Development; Agile Project Management; Innovative Products; Agile Methods.
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