Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process for project prioritization in a large brazilian chemical company
Project management, AHP, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Ratings, Ranking, Project selectionAbstract
Project prioritization is a complex challenge in the face of multiple quantitative and qualitative variables, becoming even more difficult when there is a large volume of projects to be evaluated and ranked. This technical report proposes a procedure for prioritizing projects aimed at outsourcing production for a large Brazilian chemical industry. The selected method for prioritization is the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which enables the establishment of a ranking based on criteria defined by experts. For this case study, an exploratory approach was adopted, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, thus allowing the production of this technical report. The obtained results confirmed the effectiveness of AHP, facilitating the agile development and updating of the ranking, avoiding rework, and providing clarity on project selection based on future company strategies. This approach, grounded in clear criteria, previously selected by experts, strengthened the understanding and engagement of the entire organization.
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