Customer focus in software development team: a quantitative study




Agile methods, Customer focus, Customer satisfaction, Agile practices, Agile teams


In the early 2000s, the Agile Manifesto consolidated agile practices as a counterpoint to the project management traditional model, considering among others, collaboration with the customer and acceptance of changes during the software development process as basic principles. Many companies adopted agile methods due to external and internal influences in your organization but fail to capture the main benefits of the agile philosophy and continue to focus on efficiency rather than effectiveness through plan driven methods perspective, leading the question about which factors are most important when implementing agile methods focusing on customer. The objective of this research was evaluated which factors influence on agile teams to obtain customer focus. To evaluate these factors was used online survey shared with IT and business Brazilian professionals that working on agile methods and the results demonstrate among gathering and understanding of customer requirements, collection and utilization of customer information, receiving and utilization of customer feedback and improvement of customer relationships which have greater and lower effects on customer focus in agile teams, contributing with professionals that are implementing agile methods to achieve one of the most important objective from these methods that is the customer satisfaction.



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How to Cite

Ribeiro, F. C., Larieira, C. L. C., Yoshikuni, A. C., & Costa, I. (2021). Customer focus in software development team: a quantitative study. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 12(3), 36–59.
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